Show content only if the user has access to at least one of the selected products.
(Uses "OR" rule).
Has Access To (uses AND rule)
Show content only if the user has access to ALL of the selected products.
(Uses "AND" rule).
Has No Access To
Show content only if the user does NOT have access to ALL of the selected products.
(Uses "AND" rule).
For e.g. [DAP hasAccessTo="2" hasNoAccessTo="1,3" ] This message will appear only to active (current) users of product 2 but don't have access to 1 and 3. The "no access to" could be because user never purchased the product (no user>>product row in dap manage >> members page) OR because their access to the product has expired (row exists in dap manage >> members page but access end date has expired). [/DAP]
Has Expired Access To
Show content only if the user's access to ALL of the selected products has expired.
(Uses AND rule). This message will only be displayed if the user has access to the product (user -> product row exists in manage members page but access end date has EXPIRED). It won't be displayed if the user>>product row does not exist in manage -> members page.
NEVER had Access To
Show content only if the user never had access to ALL of the selected products.
(Uses AND Rule). This message will only be displayed if the user does NOT have access to ALL of the selected products in manage >> members page (user -> product row DOES NOT EXIST in manage>>members page). The message won't be displayed if the user>>product row exists in manage -> members page.
Error Message Template
Select an Error Message Template
This determines the error message to be displayed if user DOES NOT have access to the content being protected. Values can be SHORT, LONG or NO ERROR (empty).
You can set the SHORT and LONG error messages in DAP Admin >> Setup >> Templates page. If you don't want any error messages to be displayed, and want the protected content to silently disappear completely (if user does not have access to it), then select "NO ERROR".
Member-Specific Content
You can now protect a piece of content so that only a specific DAP user can see it.
In-Page Dripping
Start Day
Show content after the specified "start day" and stop showing it after the "end day".
Negative Days:
Note: "startday" and "endday" can also be a negative number.
For eg., [DAP hasAccessTo="2" startDay="-6" endDay="-3"]Howdy[/DAP]
This basically means, the message "Howdy" will be shown starting 6 days before the "Access End Date" of the user’s access to the product with Id "2" (specified in hasAccessTo). So you can use this to display a special message – or specially priced offer (buy button) – for those whose access has not yet expired. Last day (same day of access end date) is day 0. Day before that is -1.
End Day
Show content after the specified "start day" and stop showing it after the "end day".
So say you set start day = 2, then only logged-in members who are on day 2 of their membership to a specific product, can see that content. For e.g. [DAP hasAccessTo="2" startday="1"] This message will appear to you only to users of Product 2, on Day 1 and no further[/DAP] (REQUIRED: hasAccessTo)
Start Date
You can also specify actual dripping "dates" (instead of "days") by using "startdate" and "enddate" in the shortcodes to make the contents stop being shown after a certain end "date".
[DAP hasAccessTo="2" startdate="2012-01-01" enddate="2012-01-31"]This message will appear to you only to users of Product 2, on between the dates of Jan 1st, 2012 and Jan 31st, 2012 - and no further[/DAP]
End Date
You can also specify actual dripping "dates" (instead of "days") by using "startdate" and "enddate" in the shortcodes to make the contents stop being shown after a certain end "date".
Public Until / After
Public Until
You can set a date UNTIL which a blog post is public (no protection or rules will be applied from any other shortcode parameters.
[DAP publicUntil="2012-12-31" hasAccessTo="1"]This message will be completely public UNTIL (and including) December 31st, 2012[/DAP]
Public After
You can set a date AFTER which a blog post will become public (no protection or rules will be applied from any other shortcode parameters.
[DAP publicAfter="2012-01-01" hasAccessTo="1"]This message will be completely public AFTER (and including) January 1st, 2012[/DAP]
Enter HTML Content to be displayed if the Shortcode Evaluates To Success
Leave empty if you want add the content between the shortcode start and end tag mnaually